Friday, June 06, 2008

You might be interested in this Lindy

Check out this new video that Natalie and I made.

View me here

This is a follow up to Calvin's very cute Indy video.

With all of my failed attempts Lindy I think that this time I shall be able to raise some money for the orphanage - hurray.
The auction bid is already up to $50!

Love you all. Looking forward to seeing you Masris - SOON!

Hope that you are going well dad. Good news from Adelaide?

1 comment:

Lindy Masri said...

Hey Debbie, thank you soooooo much for doing this. You are amazing that you still make time for doing stuff like this along with everything else you do!!! I will have to bring you some footage to make a thank you vid from the kids when it is done!!!
You are awesome! Love you!
45 days and countin!! :)