Thursday, May 29, 2008

Our Youth Group Retreat!

Hello everyone,

Just thought you might like to see the camp that John and I were on a few weeks ago!!

Here it is..............

We also have all the details for our flights now!! Woo Hoo!! We arrive in Adelaide on July 22nd at 6:15 IN THE MORNING!!! This will test your enthusiasm..... do you really want to get up that early to come get us?????? We will see :D


Debbie said...

Wow. What a great reminder of what looked like a fantastic camp.
Though I am a bad Aunty :(
I enjoyed seeing the pictures of you Lindy, but I couldn't find John (and I'm assuming that Jessie wasn't old enough for this camp?).
I can still hardly believe that John will be a teenager in only a few weeks!!! Eeeeep!
Thanks and take care -Debbie

Lindy said...

We will have to point him out to you when we get there. He is in a couple of photos! And yes Jess gets to go next year! :)

Lindy said...
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