Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Birthday to Lindy :)

This is where a smashingly awesome birthday surprise goes for Lady Lindy Ann ... but on second thoughts maybe you'll just have to come and receive your birthday celebrations over here in person ;)

I really hope that things are settling down in Lebanon and that you were able to enjoy your birthday. We're looking forward to partying with you. Hope that your travel plans will still go ahead smoothly.

Love and big hugs to you.

*I did actually celebrate your birthday Lindy by opening my birthday gift from the family.


Kerryn said...

But its not your birthday!!! More leggo!!! Love you all! :)

Lindy said...

Yay, I actually had a WONDERFUL day. I will have to write and tell you all about it very soon!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwahhhh Enjoy the LEGO :)

Lindy said...

Yay, I actually had a WONDERFUL day. I will have to write and tell you all about it very soon!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwahhhh Enjoy the LEGO :)