First, Question Lindy: I have been wondering how we are going to all fit in our house during your visit (assuming that is that you might be able to get over for a few days) and on Saturday after we put up the tent for the kids we wondered if we have stumbled across the answer. My question is, do you think that you and your kids would cope sleeping in this rather old, huge tent if we ran electricity out to it for lighting, heating and hopefully even electric blankets? It's no hotel room, but it is a very big (and tall) tent. Let me know your feelings.
Also, why speaking directly to the Masri arm of the family, could you please send us some birthday/ July Christmas ideas for you and you kids (and Wadih of course). I find it hard enough to buy gifts for those I see regularly, but I'm quite in the dark about what your kids might like. Also, I was wondering what size Jessie is (as I recall that Annie was about Jessie's age when I bought her a most excellent jacket, hint hint). Thanks :) Now on to our many photos.
Hello all. I finally got around to capturing all the photos off of the camera and thought that I'd share.
We have Natalie painting a portrait of Calvin.

Natalie and Calvin on a horse ride in Marion in the hols.

Our visit to the Morton's.

N & C with Jacob and Sam, who thought it would be fun to walk around with a big piece of pipe!
A full rainbow over our house.

Hannah Stott's 4th birthday at our house. The first major event in the new backyard.

Debbie with Grandma Jean on the 22nd of April.

Our family in Isabelle's garden on the 21st of April.
I hope that you are all going well, love and hugs to you all. -Debbie