Thursday, April 17, 2008

Our Backyard Holiday Makeover



There is still a bit of mulch to spread out around the side and next holidays we hope to put in the chook shed and some plants (and maybe even some fluffy chooks!).

Hope all is well. See some of you very soon, and some of you a bit later than that.

Love and hugs.


John said...

Wow that looks so impressive added a few thousand $ to the value of the house even have a garden bench for grandies to sit and watch the activities in the sand pit.

Kerryn said...

ohhh backyard blits eat your heart out..looks fantastic!we think we can see the cat too! see you very soon...

Lindy said...

Wow!!! That is definitely impressive. I am amazed you got all that done in such a short time. We can't wait to come see it all in reality! Off to the embassy now to apply for Jessie's passport.... pray that we finally have all the 101 papers they want :? Love to you all!!