Wednesday, April 23, 2008

2008 Seeding program has begun

After a morning where everything that could go wrong seemed to go wrong we finally began seeding for this year. As the photos show dry seeding oats for sheep feed.
As you can see from the photo with Natalie on the bike my beard has grown quite long.


Lindy said...

Hmmmm. Dry seems to be the operative word here! Here's praying that it produces much, and for an abundant harvest this year! :) Managed to get everything done at the embassy and Jess should have her passport in a couple of weeks! :) They start a week of holidays tomorrow for the Orthodox Easter, more days off! And our team from Coffs Harbour arrived last night, The Toads and Jungle Jam Band. All seem very nice and will keep Wadih busy for the next two weeks. Love to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lindy said...

Hang on, did they say Coffs Harbour or something else??? Not sure now, but anyway they are all Aussies from the east coast :D

Kerryn said...

Arrrgh Hello there Long Beard!!
Hope you are all settled in and had a lovely time with the Kittos. Still praying a lot for rain, dry seeding dosent look like much fun....normal seeding probably isnt fun either but surly preferable..take care..Hoggies :)