Monday, April 28, 2008

Kitto Backyard Blitz - The movie - (plus Remembering Isabelle)

Finally here is the movie of our backyard makeover.

I have also finished a "Remembering Isabelle ~ 2 years on" video which you can see here.

Love and hugs to all.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Hope that you had a fabulous birthday Jessie. Would love to hear about all that you did to celebrate.
If you don't mind celebrating you birthday twice in one year, we would love to party with you when you are here with us in Australia.
Much love and many hugs to you (and your wonderful family)

<3 Aunty Debbie, Uncle Stuart, Natalie, Calvin and ...

Girls day/nght out

Natalie and I enjoyed a day and night away on Friday traveling to Alligator Gorge, Black Rock and Orroroo, and as a result Natalie has her first vlog in months!

Had fun doing all things girlie (though the public holiday stopped us from shopping).

Hope that you are all well. Thanks again Grandma Jean for the drinks, chat and rocking chair, and thanks Hotel De Grandma & Grandpa.

Love and hugs to all -Debbie

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

2008 Seeding program has begun

After a morning where everything that could go wrong seemed to go wrong we finally began seeding for this year. As the photos show dry seeding oats for sheep feed.
As you can see from the photo with Natalie on the bike my beard has grown quite long.

Friday, April 18, 2008

The lost is found

Managed to track down the missing cords so now I can bring you some more photos. Your mother is not that impressed with the wiring for the internet but at least it works. At least I still get a great view out the office winder and

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Our Backyard Holiday Makeover



There is still a bit of mulch to spread out around the side and next holidays we hope to put in the chook shed and some plants (and maybe even some fluffy chooks!).

Hope all is well. See some of you very soon, and some of you a bit later than that.

Love and hugs.

We are finally here now

After a very long hard day we are now ready for a good night's sleep at 3 Park Tce..Could'nt sleep so up at 5.30 and have been flat out all day. Was going to show some more photos but can't find where I put the camera lead .It has got to be here somewhere. Had a bit of trouble setting up the internet. There is a phone plug in the office but it is not connected, have a wire strung across the kitchen for the present.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We have roses

Made good progress today still seemed plenty to fit in and not a lot of room , but i am sure we will fit it all in, a quick look at the front garden.
Next blogg will hopefully be from the new house cheers.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Who would like to see the new house

Got the keys to 3 park Tce today. It seems to have got smaller since we last saw it. Hopefully will start moving a few things tomorrow. More photos later in the week

Monday, April 07, 2008

Australia sings to Lebanon

Found this. Thought you might like to see what was featured on the Australian YouTube page today Lindy.

Watch 'Australia Sings For Lebanon' here. :)

Love and hugs -Debbie

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Finally ....

A video updating Debbie's 18 week scan.

You can see it HERE. Or on the nerdfighter ning! I can not believe that John posted it on the front page!!! He's such a girl's blouse for babies!

I'm feeling the boy move now which is nice, though I can see that in a few months time I might be getting my insides kicked out!

Love and hugs to all.