Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Calvin IS Indy and our acrobat children!

Calvin all ready for school! Can you believe it?!!! He will have his first (and only) transition visit on Thursday morning. I took this photo on Monday with his new uniform and new school bag.

Both Natalie and Calvin have decided that they want to do gymnastics next year and have been practising their hand stands and cart wheels every day.

Eli is continuing to grow and thrive and generally just be really really cute.

Although Calvin's birthday is still a month away, we have started planning his party so that we can invite all his kindy friends (before the holidays start and he never sees them again!). Here is the picture I created for his invitations. I just thought I'd share. (For those of you who are interested, we've decide to have his party on Sun the 11th).

Hope you're all well. Love and hugs -Debbie


Kerryn said...

oooooh beautiful "grownup" children
Look at then!! I need those toes!!!
Look forward too seeing you at christmas.
lots of love xxxx

John said...

Calvin looks great as the new school boy and Indy. I think they both do better on their hands than I was ever able to do, and what a gorgeous chumpy one Eli is.
Great pictures Deb.

Lindy said...

yay lovely to see your beautiful kids all doing so well and and being gorgeous!! Miss you all lots