Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We have roses

We have had to buy a new camera as the old one is not working. Thought we should show you some of the roses in the garden. Well as you can see they are not all of roses. There is one mean cat who is saying "Dont mess with me or there will be trouble." The rest are "roses" of one kind or another.
Hopefully there will be some more interesting photos when we get to know the camera a little better.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Random (not in order) photos from the Kittos

Calvin IS Superman (14/10)

The awesome long weekend fire (4/10)
Natalie's sports day. Doing the high jump (26/09)
Natalie's team was yellow. She's standing with her best friend mikayla. (26/09)
Natalie receives her gold medal at the end of sports day from her teacher (26/09)
Eli and daddy having a moment - ahhhhhhh
Calvin flies off on another adventure (14/10)
Eli at Lucky bay. We drove to Cowell to have a look around. (11/10)
The kids really enjoyed their trip to Cowell. We saw fish and crabs on the jetty and they loved their swim at Lucky bay. (11/10)
Eli sitting in his new seat at the table - a high chair that attaches to a normal chair. It even reclines. Mummy is really happy with it! (10/10)
The kids with Colin. Natalie and Calvin's 4th photo with Colin! Not surprisingly Colin is a big fan of babies and was more than happy to hold Eli (quote "Can I give him back in a couple of hours?" lol)(9/10)

Well I think that just about updates you with our photos. Hope that you are all well. Hugs and stuff all round.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Sorry they are sideways, these are some from my ph.the others will come later. Camp was good but I got little sleep so very tired. Zac will get his haircut today and we will get things ready for last term. Hope John and Jessie are enjoying getting back into school. Keep safe and well everyone! zzzzzzzzz xxxx

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Masri Update!

Hello world. I finally managed to get back onto Blogger.

So here is the latest news from out little corner of Beirut!!

The 'kids' finally went back to school today. First day of school since late June! Jessie has moved up to the Senior department, in Grade 6 and John is Grade 8. They have literally just walked throught the door and both survived their first day back.

I also had a new start last week, having accepted another part time job with Youth For Christ. I will be running the Rock Solid program, clubs for 13 to 15 year olds! Yay, will be lots of fun I am sure.

Wadih is doing okay, and keeping busy with work. We helped out at the dinner for his cousin's wedding last week. (Anyone remember Liliane??) That was fun.

The weather has finally changed after too many hot and humid days. The cool is finally coming =) We are all happy and ..... happy. That is about it from us. Love to hear from you all soon!