Friday, December 28, 2007

The Masri Christmas'ssss 2007

Yay well Happy Christmas to all of you, all over the world, where ever you may be!!!

We have survived the December rush : ) and managed to have a very nice Christmas in the middle of it all. After all the church services, and fairs and carols by candlelight and ............ I don't even know what else, this is how we had Christmas!

Christmas Eve was in Hamra with Adel and Doha, Amou Victor, Grace and Johnny and my friend Karen. I didn't get any photos here exceptfor John and Jessie opening their gift from Uncle Fouad and Aunt Lisa and Co, which turned out to be...... a lovely red DS Lite! Just what they wanted, thank you very much to the US Masris! Then we went to the 11:30pm communion service which was lovely but finished at 1am (phew)! At 6am we got the kids up so they could do pressies with Daddy before he went off to build a stage somewhere, and then went back to bed for a couple of hours :D 11:30am Church again which was great fun as we had a few carols, played a Christmas Trivia game and had a story!! Nice and short and fun. The kids and I then drove down to Tyre for Christmas lunch with 30 people!! and a lovely time with Nig and Annette & Co. We stayed overnight and had most of the 30 back for left over lunch on Wednesday!

Anyway, enough details. We had fun and lots of friends and family around. Here are a few photos, but I was too busy enjoying it all to stop and take very many. Please note what REAL men in Lebanon do on Christmas Day!!! :P

Happy Christmas to all and I will go and watch your video now :) xxxxxxxxx

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Happy Christmas Masri Family

We had a lovely meal together at Kerryn's on Tuesday night, but there was still something missing - YOU!

Here is a video that we made for you. Lots of Love and Hugs to you Lindy, Wadih, John and Jessie.

(This video isn't hugely fancy because we wanted to get it up quickly for you to see)

-Debbie and the Family :D

Friday, December 21, 2007

The New Glasses

Well, we made the most of the opportunity and got Wadih some new glasses as well, especially as he hadn't changed his for about 9 years and they have also been broken for the past year and a half. So here are the lovely pair in their new eyeware!! Thank you!!!!! xxxxxxxx

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas Church Video

Morning all. I thought you might be interested in this dad. I made it for Sunday night's service, though I have included the vocals on this video, whereas we just sang live to the backing track on Sunday.

Big BIG day ahead. Natalie has school, including a class party, and Calvin has his last pre-entry kindy this afternoon. Then Natalie has ballet practice from 4pm till 5:30, then she has to be at school at 6pm to get ready for her school concert which starts at 6:30. :P
Poor kid doesn't get a break tomorrow either because she has a full dress rehearsal tomorrow night before her big performance on Friday.

Hope that you are all well, Love and hugs,

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hello Lindy

A few stories have trickled through into the Australian media, but I was wondering what your tack on the situation in Lebanon is?
And of course just wondering how you all are in the lead up to Christmas. Hope that Wadih is getting lots of good, paying work.

Natalie has another vlog up, about her trip to Paris' hobby farm and PONIES! You can see that here. Also she has some rather exciting grown up girl news.
Her next vlog will be about tomorrow night's school concert where she will be 'shaking her tail feather' and of course her big ballet performance which will be Friday night (and Saturday afternoon). Mum and dad will be over to stay the night on Friday, so that will be very nice to catch up with them again.

Hope you're all well. I'm starting to get impatient for Christmas - Bring it ON!
Love and hugs -Debbie

Monday, December 03, 2007

Natalie's Christmas Play

Hi all. Hope you are all well.

Natalie has a new vlog up in which she talks about being a cat in the Community Christmas Carol play on Sunday night. You can see her vlog here.

Also I have put the entire play (5ish minutes) up on Stuart's account and you can see that here. Not the best play ever seen, but the cat is cute and funny. ;)

All the best and enjoy.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Happy Birthday Keza

Hey there. I managed to leave a rather odd message on your answering machine this morning!! Small lack of communication between the dialler (Wadih) and myself, hence me going "did it beep yet and waiting 5 seconds before saying anything!!!! Oooops, anyway, you got the idea :) We are thinking of you today and hope that you have had a lovely, jovely birthday and been made to feel like a queen for the day!

Also, marbrook to Natalie for being featured!! Woohoo. Well done you. We all enjoy watching your vlogs so keep up the good work, with help from all who help you!

Lots of love to everyone! Byeeeeee
The Masri's