Sunday, July 29, 2007

John's Birthday Bash

Okay, well we survived the Paintballing and even some people who were not playing got shot!!! (as you can see with a cool bruise to match!) Anyway, apart from dying from the heat in their overalls and masks, everyone had great fun, and after we went back to Theopolis for Hot Dog BBQ, swimming in the revived pool and a few fireworks to top it all off. All in all a great day. Might make tomorrow seem like a bit of an anticlimax!!
Anyway, love to all.


Debbie said...

Wow, that sounds like a fantastic birthday bash John. Thanks for sharing your day with us (well, thanks Lindy).

It is funny to check one's head and realise that although in Australia a July baby has a winter birthday in Lebanon your get to enjoy your day in the heat. Great to see that your pool is up and working - looks fantastic.

12!!! TWELVE!!!!!!!!!!!! I can hardly believe it! You're such a big grown-up young man John. May God bless you heaps this year, your last before becoming a TEENAGER - Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Hope that you were able to enjoy a nice day today John and that your actual birthday was not an anticlimax, but rather a wonderfully relaxing day (for all the family!).
We miss you heaps John and look forward to seeing you again one day. Lots of love and birthday hugs.

Aunty Debbie, Uncle Stuart, Natalie and Calvin.

John said...

Happy Birthday to you John, looks like it was a fun day for everyone. trust that you got by without too many bruises. Looks like the pool would have been a good place to cool down afterward.
We tried to ring yesterday both mobile and home numbers but both rang out (about 3.30pm your time.)We spent your birthday at an eighty year old's party with grandma Jeanie. (Betty Cox) No fun games there or a chance to play in the pool.