Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Latest Orroroo news

Last weekend we had 15 people from the Camden Campus of Holdfast Church come for a visit. Sat. after an enjoyable meal at Maggie's they toured the sights of orroroo including the Resevoir, tank Hill, Big gum tree, Magnetic hill and then on to a BBQ tea and a night around a camp fire on the west side of the Farm house, It was a great night and we had a wonderful service on the Sun. concluding with a god old Orroroo luncheon.

On Thurs we, along with Grandma jeannie had a day in Whyalla to celebrate Natalie's birthday. It was good timing as the children were home for the day because of a teachers strike. We were able to stay for tea and were home just after 9.00pm.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Natalie's birthday and stuff ...

Hello all. Another Kitto update here.
Firstly, we have the mess that is created when a glass table smashes. Still not sure how it broke, though we suspect the cat may have jumped on it and been the 'cat' that broke the table's 'back'.

Stuart is very pleased with his birthday present. A remote controlled lego bulldozer. With 1358 pieces and 3 days to build Stuart has had a lot of fun with it this week.

Mum, dad and Grandma Jean visited here on Thursday to celebrate Natalie's birthday early. Was a very lovely and relaxing day and great that the school/kindy were striking so the kids could stay home. Eli enjoyed all the cuddles. Eli was so worn out from his big day with the grandparents that he slept from 11pm until I woke him at 8:15am to take Natalie to school!
Eli and mummy. There are not many pictures of me with my son so thanks mum for suggesting this. Eli is wearing the overalls that Aunty Heth bought Natalie when she was born. The only outfit I have photos of all 3 kids wearing.
Natalie's birthday: Thank you Aunty Heth, Uncle Al, Jacob and Sam for this lovely dancing ballerina.
Thank you Nanna and Pappa for the beautiful hanging net. Natalie slept under it last night.
Thank you Aunty Kerryn, Uncle Michael, Annie and Isaac for the money. Natalie has put it in her money box to save for something special.
Natalie with her castle cake.

Hope that you are all well. Eli is recovering from his cold thankfully and we all seem to be mostly healthy - hurray.
Love and hugs to you all. -Debbie