Sunday, August 03, 2008

First Time Bowling!

Today after church the Stotts suggested that we join them at the bowling ally. It is something that I had wanted to do with the kids, but had previously thought them too little. Was so glad that we made the effort to go out. Stuart won on the adult lane (I sat out and was photographer) and Natalie won on the kid's lane with an impressive score of 87! Not bad for a first go. She even made a spare. Calvin was not far behind with 67. Both are looking forward to going again.

Due to the gentle nature of the kid's throwing style it often took a while for the ball to reach the pins!

Natalie made a spare! :)

Masri's in Whyalla

Thanks again Lindy, John and Jessie for visiting with us last week. Was lovely to have you here.

Hope that you have a fantastic time with the Hoggies this week.
Hugs -Debbie