Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Our latest holiday in Tyre.

Hello again, once again we managed to escape to Tyre for a day to enjoy some familiy holiday together! The weather is unusually hot so we got down to the beach!! :D

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Kitto Easter

Hi all. Hope that you have all had a fabulous easter ("He is risen" "He is risen indeed")

We spent our first easter in Whyalla - weird! Doesn't really feel like easter if you don't travel. Annie, I can't wait to hear how your easter was. What did you think of camp? I miss camp. Camp is great! And I hope that the rest of the Hogben clan had a good weekend back in Adelaide.
Masris... Do anything interesting for easter? Hope that you all had a good weekend. Hope we can hear about it soon.

Friday started with an extremely packed ecumenical service at Bethel (with the baptists, the AOG and the salvos... and the Everetts (sp?)). Went really well and the kids had fun playing with Grace. The rest of Friday was getting the house and food ready for people to come for a shared tea, after which we played wii (nice to borrow one to get the desire out of our system). Saturday was great weather and we managed to go out for tea to friends. Sunday was church and church, the second of which I lead, with a chocolate egg hunt in the middle of the afternoon. And Monday daddy let us into the school gym and we had fun playing all kinds of ball sports.

Thanks Hogben's for the kid's easter chocolates. Natalie also managed to score a new dressing gown from us (white like Annie's) and Calvin not surprisingly was happy with Mars lego (which Natalie put together for him.

Will be great to have mum here next weekend. The kids are very excited and are already making plans (plan A, being that Natalie will keep her room very tidy so that Grandma can sleep there and Natalie and Calvin can have a sleepover in Calvin's room).

Love and hugs to you all, mwah mwah,

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stunningly Beautiful Song

Hey Dad... remember a while back I showed you a Tripod gospel song? I found it on YouTube.

Listen to Tripod and Eddie Perfect singing 'Middle of the Air' HERE.
Oh so amazing. I will make it into a MP3 for you if you like. Might have to use this at church one day.

Hope you're all well -Debbie

Monday, March 17, 2008

Introducing ...

Hi all. Had my 18 week scan today and everything is NORMAL - exceptionally normal. The sonographer even predicted that this kid would be a NORMAL 8 lbs, hurray.
And we were also able to discover that HE is growing and developing very nicely.

Calvin is VERY excited about all the things he is going to tell his little brother, including how to be a superhero. Natalie is also very pleased.
This little son of ours does have a name, but we have to keep some things a surprise ;)

I'm really looking forward to introducing you, Masri people, to your newest cousin and nephew. Hope that you are all well. God bless and lots of hugs.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

What to do if your gas bottle catches fire

Today the local CFS had a practise run on how to switch off a burning gas bottle. This will be part of a Combined Services day at the School Gym that the local Road safety group are organizing . Will give a summary after the event. Here is a few photos, Should look quite speccy in the dark.
The situation regarding the house is quite depressing . Having had our hopes raised that Aunty Daph's house may be available for rent, but after keeping us on tender hooks for two weeks we were told that he didn't want to rent at this time. As there does not look like any other options available the thought is that we will have to retire back at the farm.