Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The tractor John Cozens rejected

Had a trip to Wudinna today to have a look at another tractor. A three and a half hour trip each way. This tractor would cost $17000 more is a lot older has done 3000 hrs more and does not look as tidy as the one at Roseworthy, At least it helped convince us that the other tractor is the right buy. Wayne McCallum who took us is able to get a good Airseeder unit for us so it looks as if his day was not totally wasted on us. We called in and had a look at the old Iron ore mine at Iron Knob on the way home.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Some cool sunset pictures for you

Thought these might make some good backgrounds for your PP shows. They were all taken from our house, looking out over Beirut, and they are all completely unedited.

John's Birthday Bash

Okay, well we survived the Paintballing and even some people who were not playing got shot!!! (as you can see with a cool bruise to match!) Anyway, apart from dying from the heat in their overalls and masks, everyone had great fun, and after we went back to Theopolis for Hot Dog BBQ, swimming in the revived pool and a few fireworks to top it all off. All in all a great day. Might make tomorrow seem like a bit of an anticlimax!!
Anyway, love to all.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Well we are back on line after a few days of frustration with the Dell assist program wanting to fix problems that were not there and as a result we kept losing our internet connection. I have managed to get it working again but keep wondering if it is going to drop out at any minute. We have been spending a lot of time working through if we should upgrade our tractor and seeding plant and believe the time has come when we take this step of faith and upgrade.

This is the tractor we are looking at, a 310 hp 4 wheel drive thats at a dealership at Roseworthy. We are selling some of our AWB and ABB shares to fund the change over so will not have to borrow any money. But of course the day we want to sell our shares there is a crash on the US share market which has had a flow on effect in Australia.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

John is finally a`true Lebanese

John decided to have some fun with his friends this afternoon by trying to blow up some of his soldiers. If I ever figure out how to post video, I will show you how they all worked out. Needless to say, they all had fun !!!

The Pit!

Well, as you can see, the last little bit of garden is now gone and the 'pit' goes right to my steps. They started putting up the wood perimeter today, so I guess at least the digging is finished with, now we just have the building!! We are enjoying our summer so far with new friends around. There is a family staying at the college who have five kids from 10 to 2 years of age. John has become good friends with the two older boys and Jessie and the one girl have also hit it off. It is funny as all their names begin with J as well!! We have been seeing quite a bit of them which is nice. I am very happily being busy getting ready for my first YFC camp which starts next Sunday. John is going Paintballing with some friends on Saturday for his birthday, should be fun.
So that is the Masri news for now. love to all

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Shall we try plan C?

I have been thinking this morning about how things could work on the October long weekend which also happens to be the 'Noodle' Wedding of which Stuart and I are attending. I was wondering if instead of asking mum and dad to come over and look after our kids (because Ian and Karen have church commitments that weekend) which would then ruin plans for the Hogben's to holiday in Orroroo, if rather I could bring Natalie and Calvin to Orroroo on the Friday and between the 6 of you our kids could be cared for until we were able to join the party on Sunday afternoon?

How does this sound?
We're free to pamper the bride and groom, Mum and dad you're free to relax at home and entertain, Hogben's you are free to holiday in Orroroo, and the kids have a fun weekend with lots of nice family around to keep them alive!

Let us know what you think. Would be nice to find a solution where everyone can be happy.
Hope that you are going ok Masri family and are enjoying some warm weather - mmmmm warm.
Love and hugs to all.

[The photos are from our holiday with Nanna and Pappa in Victor]

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ever wondered what 100 lego people looks like?

Our Lego family made it to 100 today. Aren't they cute!

My Garden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Thought you might like to see what I meant when I said we are living on a building site. This is what was our lovely garden, and it what I now get out of my kitchen window. (You can imagine the dust!!!!)

Monday, July 09, 2007

Kitto Pictures of Isaac's Baptism

Was lovely to share this wonderful celebration with you Isaac. I didn't get many good photos. This is pretty much it! Look forward to seeing some others.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Photoshop Phun

I have been playing with photoshop the last day and thought I'd share some of what I achieved.

Hope that everyone is going well. I'm looking forward to Sunday.

Love and hugs.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

For Annie ...

Hi Annie. You went off line last night, so I didn't get to answer your question. Yes, Dave Parker is our vegan friend (Will let you know when 'vegan's revenge' The Movie, is up on You Tube, should be good). He is also the guy who's album I gave you for Christmas. He is about to record another album, but I thought you might be interested in his clothing label. If you go to www.itcomestothis.com you can see some of his stuff. He hasn't got a girly range up yet, but I'm sure if you saw a design that took your fancy you could provide the top and he could stencil it for you. (yes, yes, this is a shameless plug! And the photo is from his birthday party last month).
Hope you are going well, and it will be good to see people next weekend. Love and hugs.

Monday, July 02, 2007


Well there is too much going on that I don't even know where to start. So I won't, suffice to say we are all fine, it is very hot, we are now living on a building site and I cut Jess' hair for her. Plus I am getting fed up with all the farewells that we are doing : ( Love you all. Byeee